首页> 中文期刊> 《上海国土资源》 >把握土地利用总体规划的主旨与特点——中国土地学会顾问王万茂教授接受本刊专访




Professor WANG Wan-Mao is employed by the Land Management College of Nanjing Agricultural University and is a consultant for the China Land Science Society,where he was ex-vice chairman and director of the Academic Committee.In a recent interview,he addressed the development and current direction of domestic and foreign land-planning theory and practice.He described the essence and characteristics of land planning,and emphasized the need to develop a national plan for land utilization that is both instructive and feasible.General city land-use planning and urban master planning were described as "two rules in unity",and Professor Wang argues that there must be recognition of the similarities and differences between these two rules,but they should be in agreement for basic planning considerations.Adjusting optimization and the concrete development of land use planning must consider the quantity and quality of the land,as well as ensure the sustainability of the environment and strengthen our understanding of uncertainties in land planning.The future development of land use planning should adopt a holistic planning approach,which includes social and ecological considerations,the dissemination of information,and how projects should be quantified and assessed.%2012年1月10日,中国土地学会顾问(原副理事长兼学术委员会主任)、南京农业大学土地管理学院王万茂教授,接受了《上海国土资源》期刊的专访。王教授介绍了国内外土地规划理论与实践的发展与最新动向,指出土地规划的本质与特征,强调须结合国情编制具有指导性和切实可行的土地利用总体规划;结合城市土地利用总体规划与城市总体规划的"两规合一"工作,指出必须注重两者的共性与差异,在基础数据方面尤其应该实现统一;土地利用规划调整优化与具体实施,应同时考虑土地的数量与质量,并须合理保障环境生态的用地需求;应当加强土地规划中不确定性研究;土地利用规划的未来发展应体现社会化、生态化、信息化、计量化、综合化,以更好地发挥作用和实效。



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