首页> 中文期刊>山东国土资源 >济宁市采煤塌陷地土地复垦工程水资源配置研究




由于采煤塌陷造成大面积耕地损毁,为恢复农业生产和改善生态环境,应实施采煤塌陷地土地复垦工程,而水资源配置是顺利实施复垦工程的重要前提。该文以济宁市采煤塌陷地土地复垦工程项目为例,分析了工程实施前后取水水源、用水量变化、水源配置和供需平衡,提出了“因地制宜、分质供水”的原则,为在其他采煤塌陷土地复垦区做好水资源保障提供了借鉴。%A lot of farming land has been destroyed by the mining subsidence in recent years. In order to restore ag⁃ricultural production, the project of coal mining subsided reclamation has been carried out. Water resources allo⁃cation is an important part in this project. Setting coal mining subsided reclamation project in Jining city as an ex⁃ample, water sources, the variance of water quantity, reasonable allocation of water resource and the balance be⁃tween water supply and demand have been analyzed. The principle of "provide water resource according to local conditions and water quality " has been put forward. It will provide some references for guranteeing reliable water resources in other coal mining subsided reclamation regions.



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