首页> 中文期刊> 《林业科学》 >钩梢对5年生毛竹竹材物理力学性质的影响




毛竹(Phyllostachys edulis)秆形通直、材性优良,是利用范围最广、经济价值最大的竹种(刘亚迪等,2008);但同时因毛竹秆高大、枝叶繁茂,是受风雪灾害影响较大的林种之一(肖本权,2003).2008年初,我国南方遭受了严重的雨雪冰冻灾害,涉及湖南、安徽、浙江、江西等19个省(区、市),受灾森林面积1 860万hm2(祝列克,2008),受灾中心区域为毛竹的主分布区,占我国毛竹林面积的70%以上.据统计,全国竹林受灾面积约400万hm2,其中80%为毛竹林(李潇晓,2008).%As a kind of management, obtruncation, which is widely used in the northern area of Zhejiang province, can avoid or lessen snow disaster on bamboo plantation. In order to know the influence of obtruncation on physical and mechanical properties of 5 years old culms of Phyllostachys edulis, we compared the density, shrinkage, compressive strength parallel to grain, shear strength parallel to grain, tensile strength parallel to grain, tangential bending strength, and elastic modulus of the three parts (bottom, middle and top) of culms, obtruncated and not obtruncated. Results showed that there was no significant difference of physical and mechanical properties between the two types of culms, while great difference exists in different parts of the two types of culms, which indicated that the management of obtruncation had no significant impact on the physical and mechanical properties of culms.



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