首页> 中文期刊> 《科技视界》 >基于AP1000核电厂的误稀释产生及应对分析




Since the Chernobyl nuclear power plant accident,the reactivity accident has become the focus of attention on the response of the nuclear industry. National nuclear security administration asked to review the safety analysis of all the reaction of the accident report,and related safety system in nuclear power plant, to mitigate the consequences of the accident was the security measures (including emergency procedures) and the core of inherent safety. The potential risk of operator mis-operation, did not abide by the rules and procedures for the design and operation of the defects on the accident caused by improper Boron Dilution event can not be ignored. Of particular concern is the safety accident in the original design are not considered or attention degree is not enough, the lack of safety precautions necessary hardware and software. In recent years, along with the operation of the plant appeared many times mis-dilution, it was paid attention by each power plant. This paper expresses the reason and analysis of the dilution, based on the AP1000 nuclear power unit.%自从前苏联切尔诺贝利核电站事故之后,反应性事故研究成为核工业界瞩目的焦点。各国核安全当局要求重新审查安全分析报告中的所有反应性事故,以及核电站用来缓解反应性事故后果的相关安全系统、安全措施(包括事故规程)和堆芯的固有安全性。那些由于操纵员误操作、没有遵守规程或规程缺陷等设计和运行上的不当造成的意外硼稀释事件的潜在风险不容忽视。尤其令人忧虑的是该类事故在原先的安全设计中没有被考虑或重视程度不够,缺乏必要的软硬件上的安全防范措施。近年来,随着运行电厂多次出现误稀释事件,误稀释被各个电厂加以重视。本文基于AP1000核电机组,讨论误稀释的产生及应对分析。



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