首页> 中文期刊>科技视界 >论新时期消防基层指挥员火场指挥能力的提升




灭火救援工作的成败,除了兵力的多少和消防设备的优劣,关键取决于消防指挥员指挥能力的高低。随着社会经济的飞速发展,现代火灾在规模性、复杂性和危害程度上与以往火灾有很大不同,从而对消防指挥员的火场指挥能力有了更高的要求。本文从政治素质、身心素质、感知能力、运筹能力和官兵关系五个方面对消防指挥员火场指挥能力的提升进行了探讨。%The crux in the accomplishment of fire-fighting and rescue, besides the troops and the fire service equipment, lies in the command ability of the fire officers. With the rapid development of modern society and economy, the occurrence of fires tend to be more complex, more damaging and in a greater scale than ever, thus putting forward a higher demand for the command ability of the fire officers. This paper makes a detailed discussion from five aspects-political consciousness, the physical and mental quality, sensibility and perceptibility, strategic skills and relationship between officers and men--about how to enhance the fire ground command of grass-level fire commanders.



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