首页> 中文期刊>科技进步与对策 >江苏省装备制造业产业脆弱性评价指标体系构建及评价研究




This paper analyses industrial vulnerability problems of Jiangsu equipment manufacturing industry from two as-pects like characteristic of Jiangsu economy and equipment manufacturing industry .And think this industry vulnerability is a risk status agglomerated by the whole industry due to it's dependence on external resources and when external environ-ment changes ,the stable state destroyed ,response ability inadequate .On the basis of definition ,we build vulnerability e-valuation index system and uses cloud model to evaluate industrial vulnerability in Jiangsu equipment manufacturing indus-try because of the objective ,scientific and concrete characteristics of cloud model .And we discovered by the evaluation re-sults as follow s :Jiangsu equipment manufacturing industry is w eak on innovation ,industrial structure ,government func-tion and industrial culture ,especially on rationality of industrial structure ,degree of industrial control ,vulnerability of governmental function and vulnerability of industrial culture .At last ,by analyzing the evaluation results ,some sugges-tions are put forw ard to reduce industrial vulnerability .%从江苏经济区域性和装备制造业产业特征两个方面分析了江苏省装备制造业存在的产业脆弱性问题 ,认为这种产业脆弱性是由于该产业对外部资源的依赖使得自身在面临外部环境变化时稳定性状态遭到破坏、应对能力不够导致的整个产业不稳定而积累的风险状态.在概念界定的基础上 ,构建了产业脆弱性评价指标体系 ,并基于云模型的客观性、科学性和具体性 ,采用云模型评价法对江苏省装备制造业产业脆弱性进行了评价.结果发现 :江苏省装备制造业的创新脆弱性、结构脆弱性、政府职能脆弱性和产业文化脆弱性都较显著.其中 ,产业结构合理性、产业受控制程度、政府职能和产业文化的脆弱性尤为突出.最后 ,提出了降低产业脆弱性的对策建议.



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