首页> 中文期刊>科技进步与对策 >“互联网+”环境下企业创新系统耦合研究--技术创新与商业模式创新耦合案例分析




“互联网+”环境为各行业带来了新的发展机遇,企业应抓住机遇、明确方向、积极进行创新发展。技术创新与商业模式创新作为企业创新系统的两大重要组成部分,两者之间的相互协调和配合影响企业生存与发展。以耦合关系为切入点,研究了在“互联网+”环境下企业技术创新与商业模式创新的合作关系,探讨了包含动因、要素及开放式螺旋模型的耦合机制。以小米公司为案例,分析了我国科技企业在“互联网+”环境下实现技术创新与商业模式创新耦合关系的发展过程与表现,为今后企业在互联网环境下进行创新耦合提供了借鉴。%The "Internet plus" strategy has brought new opportunities for various industries ,and enterprises should seize the opportunity ,clear the direction and actively carry out the innovation .Technology innovation and business model inno‐vation are the two important components of enterprise innovation system ,and their mutual coordination and cooperation will affect the survival and development of enterprise .In this paper ,we make the coupling relation as the breaking point , and study the cooperative relationship betw een the technology innovation and business model innovation under the "inter‐net plus" environment ,and also discuss the coupling mechanism including motivation ,elements and open spiral mode . What's more ,this paper makes Xiaomi Inc .as a typical case ,and makes a concrete analysis on the development process of coupling relationship betw een technology innovation and business model innovation ,w hich provide the reference for enter‐prise innovation coupling under "internet plus"environment in future .



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