首页> 中文期刊>科技管理研究 >知识管理在项目管理中的应用研究——以农业科学数据共享中心项目为例




With the development of knowledge economy, knowledge management is becoming a hot topic of project management. In this passage, the author describes the concept and content of knowledge management, analyzes the overview of current status of project management in Agridata and points out several problems of Agridata project management. The approach and method for creating a project management system are characterized with knowledge management. The author also proposes that building knowledge - sharing platform with modern management tools can help project participants exchange their knowledge, improve knowledge - sharing ratio and play innovation of project participants. Thus, the progress of the project can be accelerated and the quality of the project can be improved. At last, measures are illustrated to make knowledge management more effective and convenient in the project management of Agridata.%随着知识经济的快速发展,知识管理日益成为当前项目管理的一个热点.通过对知识管理概念和内涵的阐述及农业科学数据共享中心项目管理体制的分析,指出了该项目管理中存在的若干问题,探讨了创建具有知识管理特点的项目管理体系的途径和方法.提出利用现代化管理手段构建知识共享平台,可以有助于项目参与者之间实现隐性知识和显性知识的交流,提高知识共享率,并能充分发挥项目参与者的创新能力,从而加快项目完成进度,提升项目完成质量.最后指出了知识管理应用于农业科学数据共享中心项目管理的保障措施.



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