首页> 中文期刊>中国水土保持科学 >我国人工降雨侵蚀相关试验的研究进展回顾




[Background] Simulated rainfall experiment is an important method in the mechanism study of soil erosion process due to its characteristics of easy control and study process expediting,and it has been applied around the world since the 1960s.[Methods] We collected all relevant literatures from databases etc.,and made a statistical analysis of the literatures of erosion-related researches by simulated rainfall experiments from the aspects of time courses,spatial distribution,research topics,test-bed types,rainulator types,research methods,research facilities and their distribution in China.[Results] 1) In China,the application of simulated rainfall in the domain of soil erosion relevant can be divided into three phases:initial stage throughout the 1960s and 1970s,slow developing stage throughout the 1970s and 80s and the high-speed development after entering the 21st century.2) In China,the erosion-related researches by simulated rainfall experiments focus on the Loess Plateau,the main tested soil types are loess,red soil,purple soil,black soil and limestone soil,the hot research topic is about rill and interrill erosion,the primary test-bed type is the uniform slope,the major type of rainulators are the side-spraying and down-spraying with stationary nozzles.3) Involved research facilities and documents are concentrated in Beijing and Shaanxi,respectively.Research institutions headed by Institute of Soil and Water Conservation of Chinese Academy of Sciences,colleges and universities represented by Northwest SciTech University of Agriculture and Forestry,are the main force of erosion-related researches by simulated rainfall experiments in China,some experiments stations and administrative units are also involved in the flood.At last,the problems existing in the artificial rainfall test methods and its future direction are proposed respectively from the aspects of rainfall devices and simulation methods.To elevate values for application and universalization of soil erosion simulation experiments results,it is a necessary path to ascertain erosivity parameters of various rainulators and to normalize operating methods of simulated rainfall experiments.[Conclusions] These findings of the study could provide basic research datum for the exact grasp of research methods of soil erosion simulation experiments and a better acquaintance with the scientific research and practical work on water and soil conservation in China.%人工降雨试验是土壤侵蚀过程机理研究的重要手段,自20世纪60年代开始,在世界各国得到普遍应用.笔者运用文献法,从时间历程、空间分布、研究主题、试验平台、降雨机类型、试验方法、研究机构及其地区分布等方面,对我国运用人工降雨试验进行侵蚀相关研究的文献资料进行统计分析.结果表明:1)在我国,人工降雨应用于侵蚀相关研究的发展过程可分为3个阶段:20世纪60-70年代的起步阶段、80-90年代的缓慢发展阶段和进入21世纪以后的快速发展阶段.2)我国人工降雨侵蚀相关试验研究集中在黄土高原,主要受试土壤为黄土、红壤、紫色土、黑土和石灰土,热点研究主题是细沟与细沟间侵蚀,主要试验平台是直型坡,主要降雨机类型是静止喷嘴式中的侧喷式和下喷式.3)相关研究机构和文献发表分别集中于北京和陕西;以中科院水保所为首的研究院所和以西北农林科技大学为首的高校是我国人工降雨侵蚀相关试验研究的主导力量,相关试验站和行政管理单位也参与进来.最后分别从降雨装置和模拟方法方面提出人工降雨试验方法存在的问题和今后的前进方向.本研究可为准确把握我国土壤侵蚀模拟试验研究方法提供基础数据,对进一步认识我国的水土保持研究和工作具有重要意义.



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