首页> 中文期刊> 《科技广场》 >文献传递统计分析及其启示——以中国科学院新疆分院文献信息中心为例




本文从文献文种、类型、年代、满足率、高频申请期刊等方面对中国科学院新疆分院文献信息中心8年来远程文献传递的数据进行了统计分析,从中得到的启示是远程文献传递对图书馆信息服务起到了积极作用,提高了读者获取文献的保障率,满足了读者对外文期刊和年代久远文献的需求。笔者认为加强灰色文献资源建设,加强俄文文献资源开发与利用,关注高频申请期刊采集,针对高频需求读者开展个性化服务,是提升图书馆服务效率的有效途径。%This paper statistically analyzes the data on document delivery in library of Xinjiang Branch,CAS for 8 years,including the literature's languages,types and publication year,satisfaction rate and high-frequency applied journals,from which people can learn that document delivery plays an active role in library information services,embodied in that it helps to raise the rate of literature guarantee and satisfy the requirements of users for foreign journals and old-aged literature.The revelation from the analysis is that the effective way to improve library service efficiency is to strengthen grey literature resources construction,enhance the development and utilization of Russian literature resources,lay stress on the collection of high-frequency applied journals and provide personalized service to target user groups.



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