首页> 中文期刊> 《科技广场》 >基于ITIL的IT运维管理平台研究




Today,facing the rapid development of information technology,the integrated management of IT opera-tion and maintenance has become the main theme of the times of informationization,and is shouldering a more and more important role in the process of enterprise development. When the scale of IT in the enterprise reaches a certain level,the network,infrastructure and business,among many other IT resources need to effectively control. Accord-ing to the international general standard of IT service management (ITIL standards) as the basis,by combining with the mode and characteristics of IT operation and maintenance management in domestic military manufacturing indus-try,this paper puts forward a thought of constructing the IT operation and maintenance management platform. The platform can meet the requirements for classified information system in monitoring IT resources and management process in an all-round way in military enterprises,making the operation and management perceivable,controllable and audible.%当今为信息化快速发展时期,IT运维综合管理已经成为信息化建设时代的主旋律,在企业发展过程中担负起越来越重要的角色,当单位的IT规模达到一定程度之后,其网络、IT设施、业务等众多IT资源都需要得以有效管控。本文依据国际通用IT服务管理标准(ITIL标准),结合国内军工制造业的IT运维管理模式和特点,提出IT运维管理平台构建思路。该平台能满足军工企业对涉密信息系统中IT资源及其管理过程的全方位监控要求,实现涉密信息系统运行管理的可知、可控和可审计。



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