首页> 中文期刊>科教文汇 >人民币汇率波动对安徽省外贸企业的影响




随着安徽省经济对外开放水平的不断提升,人民币汇率的波动对安徽外贸的影响愈发显著。安徽作为我国中部崛起战略的重要经济增长极,其外贸企业合理应对汇率波动对于安徽的发展至关重要。本文采用PEST分析,通过研究安徽省经济发展水平及其产业布局结构,结合05年汇率改革以来人民币汇率走势和对于未来的预期。分析其对安徽外贸发展带来的现实影响,同时提出相应的措施建议。以期促进安徽省经济又好又快发展。%With the continuous opening of Anhui economy, the influence of the fluctuations of RMB exchange rate on foreign trade enterprises in Anhui is more and more prominent. Anhui is an important economic growth pole in the rise of central China strategy, so the rational handling of the fluctuations of RMB ex-change rate by foreign trade enterprises in Anhui is of great sig-nificance to Anhui development. Adopting PEST analysis, through studying the economic development level and industrial layout structure in Anhui Province, combined with the tendency and future expectations of RMB exchange rate since the exchange rate reform in 2005, this paper analyzed its influence on the de-velopment of foreign trade enterprises in Anhui, and proposed corresponding measures and suggestions, hoping to promote the sound and fast economic development in Anhui Province.



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