首页> 中文期刊> 《油气藏评价与开发》 >台兴油田垛一段疏松砂岩油藏固完井技术研究




Considering completion methods for horizontal wells in loose sand reservoir, the commonest methods in china include casing cementing perforating completion, screen sand control completion and so on. However, these methods not only cost high in production and cause serious pollution of reservoirs, but also bring difficulties to latter operation. In order to solve these developing problems of loose sand reservoir in Taixing oilfield, this paper optimized cementing and completion technology of horizontal wells, that is cementing completion process at the top of sieve tube, and made great achievements. Meanwhile, the reservoir had been ef-fectively developed and utilized. This research is meaningful for the further development of the similar reservoirs in north Jiangsu.%对于疏松砂岩油藏的水平井,国内多采用套管固井射孔、管内下滤砂管防砂完井等,这些完井方式投产费用高,油层污染严重,且后期作业和措施难以实施。针对台兴油田疏松砂岩油藏开发存在的问题,优化设计了水平井固完井工艺即筛管顶部注水泥完井工艺,取得了良好的开发效果,油藏得到了有效开发利用。对苏北同类型油藏的开发具有较好的指导意义。



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