首页> 中文期刊>环境科学研究 >河流流域生态安全综合评估方法




Based on research on ecological security both domestically and abroad, this study puts forward the concept of ecological security of river basins. An indicator system was developed in this study for integrated ecological security assessment ( IESA) of river basins based on a "drivers-pressures-states-impacts-responses" (DPSIR) framework. The weights of each indicator were determined using analytic hierarchy process (APH) combined with multi-criteria group decision model (MCCDM) and entropy-weight method (EWM). The Qinhe River in Jincheng City in central China was taken as a case study to demonstrate the proposed methods to assess the basin-scale security status, i. e. the integrated ecological security index (IESI). The results showed that the IESI changed from 0. 487 in 2005 to 0. 641 in 2009, which indicated a move from the bottom of the "secure" status to the top. The key driving factors resulting in the IESI changes during the five years were supposed to be the increase of CDP per capita, sewage plants and environmental investment, and the decrease of CODCx and NH3-N intensity of industrial production.%在国内外生态安全相关研究的基础上,提出了河流流域生态安全的定义.以河流流域生态安全为研究对象,基于DPSIR(驱动力-压力-状态-影响-响应)模型框架,构建了评估指标体系,并利用多准则群体决策模型的层次分析法和熵权法确定指标权重.以晋城市沁河流域为例,对该流域2005 -2009年生态安全状况进行了综合评估.结果表明:5年内沁河流域的生态安全综合指数从2005年的0.487升至2009年的0.641,状态从“安全”区域底部逐步提升到顶部,人均GDP增长、单位工业产值CODCr和NH3-N排放强度的降低、污水处理厂投入使用和环保投资的逐年增加是影响其变化的关键因素.



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