首页> 中文期刊> 《农业现代化研究》 >扶贫产业开发新思路:打造跨区域扶贫产业区




TheGovernmentdividedpoorareasinChinainto14contiguousextremepoorregionsin“ChinaRuralPoverty A lleviation and D evelopm ent Program (2011-2020)”, aim ing to break the lim itations of the previous point poverty alleviation w ith regional restrictions. H ow ever, the poverty reduction industry has som e lim itations in those poor adm inistrative regions because of the lack of collaborations am ong regions. T his paper review ed the history of the poverty reduction in C hina and proposed a new w ay to alleviate poverty problem s in C hina—creating inter-regional poverty reduction industrial zones. B ased on the characteristics of the resources in these contiguous poor regions, these zones can im prove the efficiency of resource allocation and poverty reduction effects through breaking dow n the regional boundaries, achieving a unified allocation of resources, and utilizing the econom y of scales. H ow ever, creating inter-regional poverty reduction industrial zones faces a series of challenges and problem s, too, including 1) no com m only accepted definition of the industrial zones;2) m issing system atic coordination and different function assignm ents am ong regions;3) uneven industrial developm ent w ithin regions;and 4) different local funds supporting standards and policies. T herefore, to prom ote the creation of the cross-regional industrial zones for poverty alleviation, this paper provides the follow ing suggestions:1) taking these cross-regional industrial zones as one single project to m anage;2)exploring an integrated developm entm odel;3)com bining generalsupportive policiesand specialpreferential policies together;and 4) encouraging the innovations in developing poverty alleviation m odel.%《中国农村扶贫开发纲要(2011-2020年)》把全国贫困地区划分为14个连片特困地区,力求打破以往的点式扶贫和区域限制。但是,扶贫产业发展仍旧受到行政区域的限制,各自为营。为此,从扶贫对象转变的视角梳理了中国贫困治理的历史演进逻辑,并提出打造跨区域扶贫产业区的扶贫产业开发新思路,即在充分尊重连片特困区的资源特点、产业特点的基础上,完全立足于产业发展,打破区域界线,实现资源的统一配置,提高规模效益、资源配置效率和扶贫效果。但是,当前打造跨区域扶贫产业区面临着内涵的科学界定、分工与协调机制欠缺、区内产业发展参差不齐、地方资金配套标准难以统一等现实困境。因此,需要把跨区域扶贫产业区建设作为中央单列扶贫项目管理、探索“联合体发展模式”、普惠与特惠政策相结合以及创新参与式产业扶贫模式等措施,促进跨区域扶贫产业区建设和发展。



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