首页> 中文期刊> 《可再生能源》 >新型岸式波浪能发电装置




Currently, a dam is usually constructed to raise water level, the potential energy of which transforms into electricity, in the issue of water energy utilization. Only the potential energy of water is utilized, and the form of utilization is single. However, the movement of waves can be divided into horizontal and vertical directions, which correspond to two different forms of energy. According to the feature of wave motion, a new wave energy generation device is designed after the investigation and analysis about the motion. This device based on the linear generator can capture two different forms of wave energy. This paper presents specific structure and working principle of this device in detail. The wave energy generation device utilize the energy of wave movement both in the horizontal and vertical directions, which achieved by pushing the baffle and driving the floats in horizontal direction and vibrating up and down in vertical direction . Then mechanical energy of floats and baffle drive the relative motion of the coil and magnet in linear generator to produce electricity through an energy transfer device. Finally, the device achieves full utilization of wave energy along the riverside.%在对江河水能的利用上,目前主要是通过筑建大坝提高水位,利用水的势能来发电,其能量利用形式单一.波浪的运动分为水平和竖直两个方向,其对应着两种不同形式的能量.针对这一特点,在对江河沿岸波浪运动情况进行了调查和分析后,设计出一种以直线发电机为基础的新型波浪能发电装置;对两种不同形式的能量分别进行收集,并对其具体结构和工作原理作了详细描述.该发电装置利用波浪在水平方向的运动推动挡板水平运动,利用波浪在竖直方向的振动带动浮子上下运动,由传动装置带动直线发电机的线圈和磁铁反向相对运动,从而产生电能,实现对江河沿岸波浪能的充分利用.



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