首页> 中文期刊>铁道标准设计 >玻璃纤维筋围护桩设计与施工的应用研究




The conventional design philosophy for reinforced concrete relies heavily on the ductile properties of steel. The current approach of developing GFRP RC design guidelines by modifying conventional RC codes of practice may seem reasonable, however it may not be entirely appropriate. Despite the extraordinary progress made to date in the use of glass fiber reinforced concrete, detailed study has to be conducted with respect to its structural behavior before it is used for new applications. This paper deals with some important aspects of structural behavior and addresses the bond between glass fiber reinforcement and cement, the calculation of reinforcement strength, the calculation of normal cross-section and oblique cross-section. The theoretic analysis is employed to guide the design and construction.%传统的钢筋混凝土结构的承载力计算都是建立在钢筋延性特性的基础上的。尽管玻璃纤维筋混凝土结构的计算并不完全等同于钢筋混凝土结构计算,但是做出相应的修改也是合理的。玻璃纤维筋材料的使用迄今取得了很大的进步,但其结构行为需要更详细研究,以致于可以应用于新领域的开发。就玻璃纤维筋混凝土构件设计计算中玻璃纤维筋与混凝土的黏结力、玻璃纤维筋强度取值、正截面计算和斜截面计算等。根据理论分析从而解决实际工程的设计与工程应用等关键问题。



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