首页> 中文期刊> 《铁道建筑技术》 >先张法预制 CRTSⅢ型轨道板技术研究

先张法预制 CRTSⅢ型轨道板技术研究



CRTSⅢ型先张法轨道板采用工厂化批量预制,确保质量可靠,精度可控。京沈客专苏家屯板场对制板技术不断研究实践,过程中通过信息化采集绝缘检测、质量预警数据,自动化控制预应力筋张拉、混凝土蒸汽养护,构配件移动、混凝土布料、轨道板码放的机械化操作,定尺定位配筋、工序流水作业的标准化等措施,保证了 CRTSⅢ型先张法轨道板的预制质量、安全和进度,可为类似制板生产提供参考。%Factory batch prefabrication was used to produce CRTSⅢ type pre-tensioned track slab in order to ensure the products possessing the reliable quality and controllable precision.The plate making technology was constantly studied and practiced by Sujiatun board yard,Beijing-Shenyang Passenger-dedicated Line.Many measurements,including the process of collecting information of the insulation testing,quality warning data,automatic control of prestressed tendons tension, concrete steam curing,moving parts,concrete fabric,the mechanized operation of the board,the positioning of reinforce-ment bars and the standardization of the flow-shop operation,were taken to guarantee the prefabricated quality,safety and progress of the CRTSⅢ type pre-tensioned track slab.It could provide a reference for similar plate production.



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