首页> 中文期刊> 《雷达科学与技术》 >天地波MIMO雷达多目标角度估计仿真




The sky-surface wave hybrid networking system has the advantage of the HF hybrid skysurface wave radar and the ground wave radar.Based on the multiple channel and non-causal transmit beamforming techniques,the multiple-input multiple-output radar architecture can provide a feasible approach for solving the multipath effect,multimode effect and Doppler-spread clutter in OTH Radar.In this paper,the MIMO sky-surface wave radar is studied,which is a new type of radar system combining MIMO technology with the sky-surface wave hybrid networking system.The signal model of the MIMO sky-surface wave radar is given.Taking the MIMO sky-surface wave radar based on L-array as an example,the angle estimation of multi-targets is carried out using MUSIC.Simulation of angle estimation for multi-targets based on MIMO sky-surface wave radar is realized.The simulation results of the MIMO sky-surface wave radar show that the proposed model is effective.%天地波混合组网雷达系统将天地波一体化雷达和地波超视距雷达组网技术的特点和优势结合起来.多输入多输出雷达体制综合采用多通道、等效发射波束形成技术,为天波超视距雷达面临的多径、多模效应和杂波多普勒扩展等问题提供了一条有效解决途径.将MIMO(Multiple Input Multiple Output)技术与天地波雷达系统相结合,研究了天地波MIMO雷达的信号模型,以L阵配置下的天地波MIMO雷达为例,利用MUSIC(Multiple Signal Classification)算法实现多目标角度估计,实现了对天地波MIMO雷达的多目标角度估计的仿真试验,天地波MIMO雷达的仿真结果验证了该模型的有效性.



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