首页> 中文期刊> 《电力系统保护与控制》 >IEC61850过程层网络通信分析诊断工具设计




In the intelligent substation, the process layer network communication is the basis of information sharing and information transmission. To ensure safety and reliability of power system, diagnosing and analyzing process layer network communication is currently a hot research. This paper uses a special smart DAG card, which has simple structure, zero packet loss, high-precision timestamp and other advantages. Then it combines expanded Wireshark analysis software. At last, a network communication fault diagnosis and analysis tool is designed. Meanwhile, it also elaborates three functions with abnormal packet inspection, network status statistics and fault waveform recording. Then this paper displays the strengths and weaknesses of the network communication analysis tool. This design is an integration between fault recording and network traffic records analyzing system. It provides signification in reducing the substation devices and investment, simplifying operation and maintenance.%在智能化变电站中,过程层网络通信是其信息共享和信息传输的基础。为了保证电力系统的安全、可靠性,实现过程层网络通信异常的分析、诊断是目前研究的热点。采用特殊的智能DAG网卡,其具有结构简单、零包丢失、高精度时间戳等优势,然后配合扩展的Wireshark分析软件,设计了一套软硬件结合的网络分析诊断软件。同时详细阐述了报文异常检查、网络状态统计以及故障波形记录等功能实现步骤,展示网络分析、诊断系统的应用效果以及提出未来亟待改进的地方。该设计将故障录波器和网络通信记录分析系统集成一体化,对减少变电站内设备、降低投资、简化运行维护具有重大的变革意义。



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