首页> 中文期刊>电网与清洁能源 >数字化光纤差动保护改进插值法与时钟接力法数据同步




设计了2种适用于数字化光纤差动保护双端数据同步的新方法,改进插值法和时钟接力同步法,可以分别解决MU按IEC 60044-8或IEC 61850-9标准接口接人情况下两侧保护装置的数据同步问题.前者需要将两侧ET的二次变送延时作为整定值,后者无须此整定值.2种方法完全摆脱了GPS,大大提高了继电保护的可靠性;不调整采样时刻,适应于ET标准规定的MU功能结构条件;能灵活适用于线路一侧为ET-侧为传统互感器的情况.另提出了Mu转发或自产1 pulse/s信号供自身与保护装置共用的逻辑和应用方rn法,应用该措施,保护功能完全小依赖于除装置本身和Mu之外的任何其他设备.%This paper designs two meihods of data synchronization in the optical fiber differential protection connected with electronic transformers, namely the improved interpolation and clock relay. They can solve the data synchronization problem perfectly when the MU is connected with the differential protection by either IEC 60044-8 or IEC 61850-9 interface. The former needs to take the ET transfer delays at two sides as setting values. while the latter does not.These two methods get rid of GPS recommendcd connotatively by the standard and greatly improve the protection's reliability.With no need to adjust the sampling time, they fit the MU function and frame condition as ordained in standard IEC 60044-8 and can be applied flexibly to the transmission line case where one side is connccted with ET and one side connected with traditional transformer. In addition, the paper proposes the logic and application method by which the MU transmits or self-produces the 1 pulse/s signal to be shared by the protection equipment and the MU itself. The method ensures the protection function to be independent of any other devices except the MU and the protection equipment.



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