首页> 中文期刊>人口与经济 >社会保障支出、经济增长与居民消费的区域差异研究




基于扩展的杜森贝利消费函数,以区域差异的视角对东、中、西部地区1997~2009年的社会保障、经济增长与居民消费之间的长短期效应进行实证研究。结果显示,我国社会保障支出、经济增长与居民消费存在长期的协整关系,居民消费水平与社会保障支出呈显著正相关,西部地区社会保障支出对居民消费的拉动作用最大,中部次之,东部最小。其政策含义是:应加大中西部地区在社会保障领域的支持力度,促进地区间公共服务均等化,降低人们的不确定性预期,实现居民消费的稳定性和经济健康发展。%Based on the extended Duesenberry consumption function,from the perspective of regional differences,this paper studies the long-short-term effect of social security expenditure and economic growth on people’s consumption in the Eastern,Central,and Western region in our country from 1997 to 2009.The result shows that there is a cointegration relationship between social security expenditure,economic growth and people’s consumption.The correlation of people’s consumption and social security expenditure is positive and significantly.Western region’s social security expenditure makes the greatest contribution to the people’s consumption,the central region follows it,and the Eastern region comes last.The results imply that increasing the support to the social security,advancing the balanced regional public service,and reducing people’s uncertain anticipation is helpful to realize the stability of people’s consumption and the sound development of economy.



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