首页> 中文期刊> 《大众科技》 >护固莱士治疗骶骨囊肿21例临床分析




目的::探讨骶骨囊肿的诊断和抽出积液注射护固莱士的手术效果。方法:对21例接受抽出积液注射护固莱士的骶骨囊肿病例进行临床观察及疗效分析,对患者的年龄、性别、囊肿的大小、临床症状进行了探讨。结果:术后一周,14例患者腰痛症状明显好转,4例缓解。8例患者大小便功能障碍缓解,1例无明显变化,7例患者双下肢无力明显改善,6例患者间歇性跛行明显好转,3例患者会阴部疼痛缓解,1例无明显变化。结论:95%的病例术后症状得到明显改善,骶骨囊肿局麻穿刺抽出液体注射护固莱士,填充囊腔,凝固血管,减少渗出的外科治疗具有重要意义。%Objective:our aim was to discuss the diagnosis and operation effect of injection fibrin sealant of cyst of the sacrum.Methods:In 21 patients injection fibrin sealant to analyze clinical casea of cyst of the sacrum.To the patient’s age,sex,size of the cyst,clinical symptoms are discussed in this paper. Results:After a week,14 cases of patients with low back pain symptoms improved markedly ,4cases of ease.8 cases of sphincter dysfunction in patients with ease ,1 case is invalid.7casea of patients with double lower limbs weakness improved significantly.6 patiens with intermittent claudication improved markedly,and 3 cases with perineal pain relif, 1 case has no obvious change.Conclusion:95% of the cases of postoperative symptoms were significantly improved,cyst of the sacrum extaction liquid injection fibrin sealant treatment, the local anesthetic into the lumen of the filling and solidification of surgical treatment for blood vessels to reduce leakage is of great significance.



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