首页> 中文期刊> 《植物保护》 >河北省小麦孢囊线虫病的发生与分布




于2009-2011年对河北省10个地区55个县的小麦孢囊线虫发生情况进行系统调查,共采集土样719份.调查结果表明:孢囊总检出率为52.7%,其中冬麦区孢囊的检出率为61.2%,春麦区孢囊检出率为0.石家庄地区孢囊检出率最高,达90%,各地区孢囊检出率大小顺序依次为:石家庄、邢台、保定、邯郸、廊坊、衡水、唐山、沧州、张家口、承德.其中唐山滦南县与任丘市孢囊线虫发生最为严重,分别有11.8%和7.7%地块每100mL土中的孢囊数量在40个以上.沙壤土中孢囊线虫的检出率最高,达63.0%,壤土与黏土中小麦孢囊线虫的检出率分别为60%和50%,在沙土地块未发现小麦孢囊线虫.依据孢囊线虫的形态特征,河北危害小麦的孢囊线虫种类应为禾谷孢囊线虫(Heterodera avenae).%A systematic survey on the occurrence of cyst nematodes of wheat in 55 counties of Hebei was carried out during 2009-2011. A total of 719 soil samples were collected. The results showed that the total incidence of cyst nematodes of wheat in Hebei was 52.7%, whereas the incidence of cyst nematodes in winter wheat and spring wheat were 61. 2% and 0%, respectively. The incidence of cyst in Shijiazhuang Region is 90% and is the highest among all the regions investigated in Hebei. Ranking of cyst incidence from high to low was Shijiazhuang, Xing-tai, Baoding, Handan, Langfang, Hengshui, Tangshan, Cangzhou, Zhangjiakou, Chengde. A higher densities of cysts occurred in Luannan county of Tangshan and in Renqiu city, with the densities of more than 40 cysts /100 mL soil in 11. 8% and 7. 7% fields, respectively. The incidence of cysts in sandy loam soil was 63. 0%, while those were 60%, 50% and 0% in loam soil, clay soil and sandy soil, respectively. All the cyst nematodes of wheat in Hebei were identified as Heterodera avenue based on the morphological characteristics.



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