首页> 中文期刊>规划师 >“双减”视角下的总体城市设计——以邯郸市总体城市设计为例




Under the global climate change, urban master design needs to emphasize the vision characters and aesthetic values, guide the environment to improve space environment emission and disaster reduction abilities, do the innovation analysis about the methods and content, integrate the double-reduce concept to the emission and disaster reduction. Base this, the design constructs the rationally spatial pattern, reinforces the land mix-use efficiently, initiates the green traffic and the rationally road system, constructs the efficient escaping system of open space, emphasizes the plants' emission and disaster reduction function, then combines the master design of Handan, explores a new design way which adapts the society and nature, serves the urban construction better.%在全球气候变化的大背景下,总体城市设计在注重视觉特色和美学价值的同时,应通过对环境的有效引导来提高城市空间环境的减排和减灾能力,并在方法和内容上进行创新性研究,从“双减”视角出发,把“双减”理念融入减排、减灾的技术手段中.基于此,通过构建合理的城市空间形态、强化土地的高效混合利用、倡导绿色交通和合理的路网体系、形成有效的开放空间避灾系统、注重绿地植物的减排和减灾功能等策略,结合邯郸市总体城市设计,探索适应当前社会以及自然发展趋势的总体城市设计新思路,以更好地为城市建设服务.



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