首页> 中文期刊>理化检验-化学分册 >仪器中子活化法测定金属钛中杂质元素




采用仪器中子活化法(INAA)测定了金属钛中锰、砷、锑、钽、钨等5种痕量杂质元素含量,分析中采用GEM 70P高纯锗γ谱仪及grammavision 32分析软件.经预处理的样品割成5 mm×5 mm×1 mm大小的薄片,其质量约180 mg,与标准一起置于反应堆中照射,中子通量为1.0×1013cm-2·s-1.上述5种元素的探测下限依次为0.022,0.049,0.032,0.097,0.015μg.将方法用于分析水沉积物标准物质(GBW 07312),锰、钽、锑及钨4种元素的测定值与证书值相符.%Five impurity-elements of Mn, As, Sb, Ta and W in metal titanium were determined by INAA.The GEM 70P High-purity Ge γ Spectrometer and the analytical software of Grammavision 32 were used in the analysis.The pretreated sample, in form of a thin piece sized 5 mm× 5 mm× 1 mm and weighing ca.180 mg, was irradiated together with standards in the reactor with a flux of 1.0 × 1013 cm-2 · s-1.Detection limits of the 5 elements were found as 0.022, 0.049, 0.032, 0.097 and 0.015 μg respectively.The proposed method was used to analyzed a CRM of water sediment (GBW 07312) giving results of Mn, Ta, Sb and W in consistency with the certified values.



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