首页> 中文期刊> 《药学与临床研究》 >对多潘立酮致高泌乳素血症的处置和分析




Clinical pharmacists participated in the diagnosis and treatment process of a case of hyperprolactinemia. The patient had a history of anxiety and had taken sertraline for more than a month, and the patient had the symptom of breast spargosis for a month and discovered the level of prolactin increased on admission. The clinical pharmacists suggested stop using sertraline, but the level of prolactin didn't return to normal three days later. Sertraline and pathologic factors which can increase the level of prolactin were excluded through the diagnosis and treatment process. Clinical pharmacists paid attention to the patient's case and drug history through pharmacy ward round, and found the patient had taken domperidone for more than a month due to epigastric pain. Clinical pharmacists considered the level of prolactin increased was correlated with domperidone and suggested stop using it. The level of prolactin returned to normal and the symptom of breast spargosis disappeared after stopped using domperidone for a week. The patient was cured and discharged.%临床药师参与1例高泌乳素血症患者的诊治过程,针对其既往有焦虑症病史,已服舍曲林片治疗一月余,出现乳房胀痛伴泌乳素水平升高,建议停用舍曲林片,停药3天后复查血清泌乳素未恢复正常。临床药师通过药学查房得知患者居家因经常上腹部胀痛,自行连续服用多潘立酮片一月余,考虑泌乳素水平升高可能与多潘立酮有关并建议患者停用。停用多潘立酮片一周后复查血清泌乳素恢复正常,自觉乳房胀痛症状消失,病愈出院。



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