首页> 中文期刊>运筹与管理 >中国产业IT能力与产业绩效的耦合协调度研究——基于微观数据的产业分类测度




随着互联网+战略的深入推进,了解不同产业内信息技术能力与产业绩效之间的协调发展情况,对于系统把握我国的信息化发展水平,分类制定有效产业政策具有重要意义.有别于以往采用宏观产业数据,重点评价工业化与信息化融合度,本文主要基于2008~2015年的上市公司的微观数据,采用耦合协调模型,分类测度四大类产业的IT能力与产业绩效的耦合协调度.研究发现:总体上看我国的产业IT能力与产业绩效之间存在中高度耦合关系,但耦合质量不高,耦合协调度处于中低水平,呈现逐渐上升趋势;此外,我国的不同的产业之间的耦合协调度发展趋势存在差异性,本文进一步分析了该差异的存在的原因,并提出政策建议.%Along with the development of "Internet + " Strategies,it has great significance to investigate the coordinated development situations between industrial information technology(IT) abilities and industrial performances in different industries,which could help the government systematically grasp the development level of informatization and make effective industrial policy in China.Based on micro-data of listed companies from 2008 to 2015,the coupling coordination model is adopted to measure the four categories of industries' coupling coordination degrees between IT capabilities and industrial performances.The results show that,as a whole,there is a middle-high coupling relationship between IT capability and industrial performance.However,the coupling quality is not high,and the coupling coordination degree is at a middle-low level with a gradually rising trend.Furthermore,further analyses of the reasons why some dissimilarities of coupling coordination degrees exist in different industries,as well as some policy suggestions are puts forward.



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