首页> 中文期刊> 《石油矿场机械》 >深井分层压裂管柱受力计算及结果分析




根据深井高温、高压条件下分层压裂作业的施工工艺,考虑压裂管柱组配的封隔器、水力锚、滑套喷砂器等工具,建立了深井分层压裂管柱的力学分析模型.采用间隙元模拟压裂管柱与套管间的多向随机接触摩擦问题,给出了轴向摩阻与轴向位移协调的判别收敛条件;计算出了不同工作状态下封隔器的封隔力、水力锚的锚定力、滑套喷砂器与固定封隔器的轴向接触力、井口载荷、管柱上提距离及整体管柱在任一截面处的内力、应力、位移等.在油田得到成功应用,为分层压裂管柱的设计及施工提供可靠的理论依据.%According to the building technology of the gradation frac string in the condition of deepwell and high temperature and pressure,considering the packer,the hydraulic anchor and the sliding sleeve sand blaster,the mechanical analysis model about the gradation frac string was developed in deep well. The gap element was adopted to simulate the random contact problem about the frac string and the casing. The convergence condition of the harmonization between axial friction and axial displacement was given. Hereby,the packer forces,the anchorage force,the contact force between the sliding sleeve sand blaster and the built-in packer,the wellhead loading and the upward distance were calculated in different mode of operation. The inner force,the stress,and the displacement in the arbitrary cross section of the integral frac string were also calculated. Furthermore, the model was applied successfully in D oil field. It was supplied the reliable theoretical references for designing and building in the gradation frac string.



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