首页> 中文期刊> 《石油钻采工艺》 >南海东部深水气田完井作业实践




In a deep-water gas ifeld in the eastern South China Sea, the sixth generation semi-submersible deep water drilling plat-forms West Hercules and HYSY981 were successfully applied for completion of nine wells, with average single-well operating cycle of 41.03 d. This paper describes the characteristics of deep-water completion technology and analyzes design principle of well completion string. Combining with the well conditions and characteristics of the environment, it also summarizes the dififculties and solutions in deep-water well completion operation. Finally, a set of perfect deep-well completion technology is formed, including material corro-sion, hydrate prevention, annulus trap pressure management, production string design optimization, frac-packing, continuous wellbore cleaning, subsea tree installation and replacement, emergency response in complex condition, and ifne operation. The lfowing well test and function test before well production show that the well production and the performance of completion equipment meet the well production requirements. This technology could provide a good reference for completion design and operation in other deep-water oil and gas ifelds in the future.%南海东部海域某深水气田应用第六代半潜式深水钻井平台West Hercules和HYSY981平台顺利完成了9口井的完井作业,平均单井作业时间为41.03 d。在介绍该气田深水完井技术工艺特点、分析完井生产管柱设计原理的基础上,结合该气田的井况及环境特点,对深水完井作业难点及施工措施进行了系统的梳理,形成了一套完善的深水完井作业技术,包括材料防腐、水合物的防治、环空圈闭压力管理、生产管柱优化设计、压裂充填作业、井筒连续清洁、水下采油树安装和更换、复杂情况应急处理、精细施工等。清井放喷测试以及投产前的功能测试表明,各井产量及完井设备工作状态均达到投产要求。该套技术可以为今后其他深水油气田完井设计和施工提供借鉴。



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