首页> 中文期刊>护理实践与研究 >急诊抢救室输液患者静脉炎发生原因分析




Objective: To analyze the reason of emergency resuscitation room infusion phlebitis of patients in resuscitation room, to improve transfusion safety. Methods: Retrospective analysis of emergency resuscitation room 59 cases clinical data of patients with phlebitis. Results: Resuscitation room of emergency department patients with phlebitis in patients older than 60 years. Iatrogenic phlebitis occurrence is mainly due to the use of peripheral venous infusion of va-soactive drugs and the same venous pathways in the use of two drugs. Conclusion: strengthened the emergency resuscitation room staff venous transfusion knowledge training,standardize nursing behavior, choose reasonable standard route of administration,administration method, concentration, enhanced medication were observed,was to improve the safety of transfusion in emergency resuscitation room effective measures.%目的:分析急诊抢救室输液患者静脉炎发生的原因,提高抢救室患者输液安全性.方法:回顾性分析急诊抢救室59例发生静脉炎患者的临床资料.结果:急诊抢救室发生静脉炎患者以60岁以上老年人为主;医源性静脉炎的发生原因主要是使用外周静脉输注血管活性药和同一静脉通路中使用两种药物等.结论:加强急诊抢救室医护人员静脉输液知识的培训,规范护理操作行为,选择合理规范的给药途径、给药方法、给药浓度,加强用药观察,是提高急诊抢救室患者输液安全的有效措施.



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