首页> 中文期刊> 《护理实践与研究》 >运用约翰逊行为系统模式分析护理人员离职原因




Objective; Application of Jonson's behavioral system model to explore the potential reasons and coping strategies to the issue of the turnover of nurses. Methods: Instructed by Jonson's behavioral system model and the current working status of nursing staff, we analyzed the relating reasons of the turnover of nurses, and explore the measures to prevent the turnover of nursing staff. Results: According to the 7 sub - systems of behavioral system model, we analyzed the possible reasons for nurses to leave their job. Human - based management, social status and salary improvement, nursing staff enrichment and legal guaranteed may alleviate the situation. Conclusion:Use Jonson's behavioral system model as a framework could explain the most reasons for the turnover of nursing staff,to some extent,it would give some advice to the relevant department to solve the problem.%目的:应用约翰逊行为系统模式探讨护理人员离职的原因及对策.方法:以行为系统模式为指导,以护理人员的工作现状作为切入点,分析护理人员离职的原因,探索预防护理人员流失的举措.结果:依据约翰逊行为系统模式的7个子系统分析出护理人员离职的可能原因,以各个子系统为出发点探索出实施人性化管理、提高护士的地位和待遇、增加医院人力配置和完善立法等方面的措施以防止护理人员的流失.结论:应用行为系统模式分析护理人员离职问题在一定程度上解释了护理人员离职的原因,以期为相关部门采取应对措施提供意见和建议.



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