首页> 中文期刊>解放军护理杂志 >一体化教育管理模式在糖尿病治疗教育管理中心的实施效果




目的 探讨一体化教育管理模式在糖尿病治疗教育管理中心的实施效果.方法 2000年起,南京军区福州总医院成立了糖尿病治疗教育管理中心,在实施5项治疗原则的基础上,提出、构建并实施了患者从家庭--门诊、门诊--病房、病房--社区的糖尿病全程管理,即一体化教育管理模式.结果 纳入糖尿病教育管理中心接受一体化全程管理的患者随着接受糖尿病教育次数、频率的增加,疾病知识及相关技能掌握的不断提高,血糖、糖化血红蛋白、血脂异常指标逐年下降,控制平稳,极大地提高了患者生活质量.结论 一体化糖尿病全程教育管理模式为2型糖尿病患者提供了全面、高效、专业、安全的健康服务保障.%Objective To summarize the effect of integrated education-management model in Diabetes Education Management Center. Methods The Diabetes Education Management Center was established in 2000 in Fuzhou General Hospital of Nanjing Military Region. Based on the five principles of DM treatment,a whole process control throughout family -outpatient,outpatient-ward, ward -community,integrated education-management model was proposed and then established. Results As the increasing of education times,frequency and the continuous improvement of the disease knowledge and skill, the levels of blood glucose, HbAlC,dislipidemia were controlled to normal year by year in diabetes patients who participated in Diabetes Education Management Center and received an integrated full-course education management.The patients' quality of life was significantly improved. Conclusion The integrated diabetes education and management system provide a comprehensive, efficient, professional and safe health services for patients with type2 diabetes mellitus.



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