首页> 中文期刊>核电子学与探测技术 >可用于远程辐射探测系统的数据采集与监控平台的开发




针对目前企业、工厂的分布式布局以及远程监控的需要,同时基于产权的纠纷考虑,开发了充分利用现有可用的设备和技术,现场采用80x86硬件,软件系统MSDOS,应用软件自行开发,远程采用windows平台商用微机,利用oracle数据库读取配置,通过电话灵活监控远程现场的数据采集监控系统.该系统通过少许修改即可应用于多种场合,如机场监控、调度监控等.%For the needs of distributed layout of the plant or enterprise and remote monitoring, as well as based on a property rights dispute. We have developed a system with a full use of available equipment and technology. The site is using hardware based on 80x86 chips that software based on MSDOS, and application software is self - developed. The hardware of remote station is commercial computer with windows platform. Remote station can monitor and get the site - data through telephone line by getting configuration - data coming from a oracle Database on the internet. With slight modification, this system can be applied to a variety of occasions, such as airport monitoring.



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