首页> 中文期刊>有色金属(选矿部分) >选矿设备生产型企业运营管理改善研究




目前国内选矿设备的制造主要是订单式生产.受到订单量的限制,其生产模式主要以单件或小批量为主.选矿设备作为行业内的专用设备,在不同矿山的使用条件下有其不同的工艺特性,在设计上很难做到完全的标准化.故对运营管理中的生产组织、物流供应链管理、交期管理、质量控制和成本管理都提出了更高的要求.通过梳理某大型矿山设备生产型企业运营的关键绩效指标(KPI)的改善提升,为大型制造企业运营管理的持续改善提出完整的思维模式和方法体系,进而为企业的管理创新提供参考.%At present,the production of domestic mineral processing equipment is mainly make to order.Due to the limitation of order quantity,the production model is mainly based on single or small batch.The use of mineral processing equipments have different process characteristics under different conditions as a special equipment.It is difficult to achieve complete standardization in design.Therefore,the production management,logistics supply chain management,delivery management,quality control and cost management have been put forward higher requirements.By combing the key performance indicators of a large mining equipment manufacturing enterprise operation improvement,proposed a complete thinking mode and method system for the continuous improvement of enterprise operation management of large-scale manufacturing,and provides reference for enterprise management innovation.



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