首页> 中文期刊> 《有色金属工程》 >甲玛铜多金属矿节理裂隙调查与岩体质量评价研究




This paper has gained the features of joint fissure through the field investigation on joint fissure of Jiama Copper Polymetallic Mine; after analyzing the data with the DIPS software, the density graph and advantage grouped table such as the stereographic projection pole graph are prepared. Meanwhile, it has also adopted the rock mass quality classification standard to analyze and evaluate the rock mass quality of main rock groups in the mining area according to the statistic data of engineering geology, hydrogeololgy and joint fissure development, as well as results of the geomechanical nature test. The results provide the theoretical basis for the mine stability analysis, and are of important guiding significance to safety production.%通过对西藏甲玛铜多金属矿矿岩节理裂隙的现场调查,获得节理裂隙的特征,用DIPS软件对调查数据进行分析,绘制赤平极射投影极点等密度图和优势产状的分组表同时根据矿区工程地质、水文地质和节理裂隙发育调查统计资料,矿岩岩石力学性质试验结果等,采用工程岩体分级标准,对矿区分布的主要岩组进行岩体质量分析评价该研究结果为矿区稳定性分析提供了理论依据,对安全生产有重要的指导意义.



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