首页> 中文期刊> 《无损检测》 >核级棒材制管状零件的超声检测标准分析




The key requirements of ultrasonic test provided by ASME BPVC code and RCC-M code have been analyzed and discussed.The discussion was based on different industry codes with different nuclear powers.The examination time can be divided as forged bar stage and post hole-drilling stage.It shall pay more attention to axial direction scan from the external side surface and provide the substitution way.Discussion was made on the relationship between probe angel and the maximum testable depth for circumference shear wave scan and on the implementation of the angle beam criteria.It is helpful to draft tubular product ultrasonic specification and to use proper standards in the process of nuclear design and procurement activities.%分析了ASME BPVC、RCC-M标准关于核级棒材制成管状零件的超声检测的关键要求.基于不同的核电厂按照不同工业标准体系进行原材料采购的现状,同时考虑到国内采购和制造的工程经验反馈,通过对核级棒材在钻孔前和钻孔后不同阶段的超声检测要求的分析,提出了在锻棒阶段应重视端面轴向扫查的观点,并提出了替代轴向扫查的方法;在棒材钻孔后,应根据探头角度计算横波检测的有效深度范围,讨论了斜射波检测的检测方法及相应的验收标准.为核电工程采购制成管状零件的棒材,合理地应用标准,制定与设备相适应的超声波检测技术要求,保证产品质量,提供了一定的参考和借鉴.



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