首页> 中文期刊> 《噪声与振动控制》 >主回路泵致声振动分析




The reactor coolant pump is the core equipment of nuclear power stations. The pump-induced pulsations can cause the vibration of the main equipment’s components, which is regarded as one of the main reasons of fatigue failure of the components. In this paper, the effect of the pump-induced pulsation on the principal loop of a nuclear station was calculated and analyzed. Then, the feasibility of application of ACSTIC program to the acoustic vibration analysis of the principal loop was verified theoretically and numerically. Finally, the acoustic vibration performance of the principal loop of the nuclear power station was simulated by means of the ACSTIC program, and the harmonic vibration responses of the main equipment’s components were obtained. The result can be used for the fatigue analysis and evaluation of the main equipment’s components and the optimization of the design of main loops of nuclear power stations.%主泵是核电站主回路中的核心设备之一,它产生的压力脉动会导致主设备部件振动,是设备发生疲劳失效的主要原因之一。首先,对泵—声耦合对核电站主回路的作用进行分析计算,然后采用理论分析和数值分析相结合的方法验证ACSTIC程序进行声振动分析的适用性,最后采用ACSTIC声振动程序模拟核电厂主回路模型,计算主设备部件的谐振动响应值。计算结果可用于主设备部件的疲劳分析评定,也可用于主回路优化设计。



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