首页> 中文期刊>宁夏农林科技 >宁南半干旱黄土丘陵区退化生态系统恢复模式




The cause for the degradation of ecosystem in the semi-arid loess hilly area of southern Ningxia were analyzed.The results showed that the persistent drought,vegetation degradation,concentrated rainstorm and loose soil were the main natural factors;Excessive reclamation,overgrazing,hackle,excessive use of forest and grassland resources,as well as the uncoordinated artificial vegetation construction scale with the current water resources carrying capacity were the main human factors.Considering the serious soil erosion,low level productivities and insufficient capital investment in the semi-arid loess hilly area of southern Ningxia,a rapid vegetation restoration approach was chosen as a breakthrough.Based on the characteristics of different standing-type,the recovery model of degraded barren ecosystems,the forest and grassland construction model of degraded farmland and the comprehensive control model of erosion gulley were summarized.%通过分析宁南半干旱黄土丘陵区生态系统退化原因,认为:持续干旱、植被退化、暴雨集中、土质疏松为黄土丘陵区生态系统退化的主要自然因素;滥垦、滥牧、乱砍、林草资源过度利用,以及人工植被建设规模与水资源承载能力不协调是黄土丘陵区生态系统退化的主要人为因素。结合宁南半干旱黄土丘陵区水土流失面积大、治理任务繁重、农村生产力水平低下、资金投入不足的现实,以植被快速恢复为突破口,根据立地类型特点,总结出了退化荒山生态系统恢复模式、退化农田林草建设模式和侵蚀沟综合治理模式。



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