首页> 中文期刊> 《新型炭材料》 >连续式高温反应石墨提纯装备与工艺




A new continuous high-temperature reactor for graphite purification using Freon-12 up to 2 600 ℃ was designed with a collection and disposal device for the exhaust such as off-gases, tar and dust. The reactor had an automatic graphite delivery system and amulti-zone temperature control system for feed-in, heating, reaction, cooling and feed-out regions that were controlled within ± 5 ℃. The configuration of heat-insulating materials use da labyrinthine connection for irregularly-positioned multi-layer insulating pieces to isolate air and to prevent heat dissipation. Using this reactor the purity of the graphite can be increased from 88. 2 to 99. 5% with a production capacity of 90 kg/h.%一种新型连续式高温石墨提纯热工装备,通过高温传动装置驱动石墨粉在提纯过程中运动,实现工业化连续提纯。该设备的自动进出料技术保证石墨在提纯过程中不断供给与收集,且反应气体不泄露;炉膛采用多区控温,温度分布均匀性控制为±5℃;保温材料采用迷宫式错层搭接结构,防止热散失;尾气处理系统采用四级收集装置,对尾气、焦油、粉尘等进行分开收集处理。将该石墨提纯炉应用于高温反应法石墨提纯,石墨的纯度从初始的88.2%提高至99.5%,提纯速率为90 kg/h,达到了连续量产高纯石墨的要求,对开发下一代工业化石墨提纯装备和技术具有重要的实际意义。



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