首页> 中文期刊> 《信息网络安全》 >新形势下检察机关信息安全保密工作




信息安全保密是指信息系统及其载体内涉密信息在产生、传输、处理、存储和销毁的各个环节不被泄露或破坏,确保信息的机密性、完整性和可控性,保护信息资源,保证信息化进程健康、有序、可持续发展,信息安全已成为国家安全的重要组成部分。文章从无形的信息社会新形势出发,分析检察机关信息安全保密的特点、面临的挑战及对策,以适应新形势下检察机关信息化的需要,满足做好新形势下检察机关信息安全保密工作的客观要求,强化广大检察干警信息安全保密素质与能力,为全国检察机关信息化应用提供信息安全保障。%Information security refers that the information system and its carrier of classified information are not leaked or damaged in all aspects of generation, transmission, processing, storage and destruction, the aim is to ensure the conifdentiality, integrity and controllability, to protect the information resources, and make sure the information process can be developed in a healthy, well-organized, sustainable way. Information security has become an important part of national security. This article embarks from the new situation of social intangible information, tries to analyze the characteristics of prosecutors information security, challenges and countermeasures to adapt to information-based demands that the procuratorial organ need to meet under the new situation, so that requirements of keeping information security can be fuliflled, it could also strengthen the most procuratorial ofifcers the quality and ability of information security, making the security of informatization nationally guaranteed.



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