首页> 中文期刊>中国航海 >全球海洋治理下的特别敏感海域制度




介绍国际海事组织(International Maritime Organization,IMO)颁布的特别敏感海域(Particular Sensitive SeaArea,PSSA)制度的概念及其发展现状.从解决传统海洋自由主义与新兴环保主义的矛盾、船旗国管辖与沿海国监管及相关保护措施等方面分析该制度解决的主要问题.从全球治理的视角论述该制度在加强国际合作、影响IMO法律体系、将风险控制的理念引入环保措施等方面的优势,并预测该制度未来的发展方向,为我国参与PSSA相关的国际谈判提供建议,以便更好地维护国家及行业利益.%The concept,status and goal of Particular Sensitive Sea Area (PSSA) promulgated by the International Maritime Organization (IMO) is elaborated,and the key issues are analyzed concerning the effect of PSSA in soothing the conflicts between the traditional maritime liberalism and new environment protectionism,balancing the Flag State Jurisdiction and the Coastal State Supervision and the Associated Protective Measures.It pinpoints the institutional advantages of PSSA from the perspective of global Governance,particularly those in promoting international cooperation,influencing the IMO legal system and introducing risk control concept into environmental protection actions.The development of PSSA is analyzed and the proposal about China's involvement in the follow-up discussion is put foward to better voice China's interest demands.



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