首页> 中文期刊> 《现代教育科学(高教研究)》 >从'互联网+'发生条件看教学变革的发展路向




Education "Internet +" takes place in the multiple social environment of transformational learning style, subversive learning recognition and globalization educational value. The individual way of acquiring the information can help us to find more latent learning needs and corresponding innovational teaching form. Understanding the cognition association theory in internet era, which will provide theoretical guidance for the teaching reform of education "Internet + ". It is necessary to clarify the globalization value orientation of education in modern times, so that the teaching reform can achieve the development direction that is consistent with the urgent need of the Times. This paper aims to explore the corresponding development direction of teaching reform based on basic functional features of the Internet.%教育"互联网+"现象发生在互联网时代学习方式悄然转向、对学习的认知产生颠覆性改变、教育价值全球化取向日趋强化等多重变化的社会环境之中.解析信息获取方式的个性化转向,有助于我们发现更多隐性的学习需求,创新与之对应的教学形态;理解网络时代的关联认知理论,能够为基于教育"互联网+"的教学变革提供理论指导;明晰当代教育的全球化价值取向,可使教学变革获得与时代紧迫需要相一致的发展方向.有了这样的清晰认识,才便于我们依据互联网的基本功能和特性,深入探赜其对应的教学变革路向.



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