首页> 中文期刊> 《现代农业科技》 >2017年贵南县青稞全生育期气象条件分析




In 2017,the temperature was suitable from sowing to seedling stage,the precipitation was less,but the soil moisture was better in early stage and the seedling rate was higher.From seedling to jointing period,more precipitation and lower temperature were detrimental to the differentiation of young ears.The temperature was high and the precipitation was very low from the jointing period to florescence,especially from pregnant ear to florescence.The temperature of flowering-mildew was suitable and the precipitation was more.From mildew to maturity,the temperature continued to be high,the precipitation was less,resulting in a corresponding reduction in grouting time,per thousand grain weight decreased by 1.9 g than that in 2016.%2017年青稞播种至出苗期温度适宜,降水偏少,但前期土壤墒情较好,青稞出苗率较高;出苗至拔节期,降水量偏多,气温偏低,不利于幼穗分化;拔节至开花期,气温偏高,降水量明显偏少,尤其是孕穗至开花期,贵南县以晴热天气为主,不利的水分条件,加之温度持续升高,出现中度干旱,开花授粉较差;开花至乳熟期温度适宜,降水偏多;乳熟至成熟期温度持续偏高,降水偏少,导致灌浆时间相应缩短,千粒重较2016年少1.9 g.



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