首页> 中文期刊> 《矿业安全与环保》 >基于瓦斯涌出特征的突出预警技术在大淑村矿的应用




The traditional contact prediction method based on drilling for coal and gas outburst has a great limitation. The early warning of coal and gas outburst according to the dynamic characteristics of gas emission is of great significance for ensuring safe production and improving production efficiency of the mine. Based on the investigation and analysis on the dynamic characteristics of gas emission in the heading face in Dashucun Mine, the early warning indicators applicable for coal and gas outburst in this mine were determined, an early warning system based on the dynamic characteristics of gas emission of the mine was established with the aid of the mine safety monitoring system and LAN, and the real-time and dynamic early warning of outburst hazard in the heading face was thus realized. The successful application of this early warning system formed a mutual complement with the traditional contact prediction method, which improved the prediction accuracy of coal and gas outburst and ensured the safe production of the mine.%传统基于打钻的接触式煤与瓦斯突出预测方法,具有极大的局限性。根据瓦斯涌出动态特征进行煤与瓦斯突出预警,对于保障矿井安全生产和提高生产效率具有重要意义。基于对大淑村矿掘进工作面瓦斯涌出动态特征的考察和分析,确定了适用于大淑村矿的突出预警指标,并借助矿井安全监控系统和局域网,构建了大淑村矿基于瓦斯涌出特征的突出预警系统,实现了矿井掘进工作面突出危险的实时、动态预警。预警系统的成功应用,与现有传统的接触式预测方法形成了互补,有效地提高了突出危险判识的准确性,保障了矿井的安全生产。



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