首页> 中文期刊> 《微电机》 >基于改进遗传算法的内埋式永磁同步电机参数辨识




An improved parameter identification method was presented,aiming at the reverse salient pole characteristic and defects of traditional parameter identification method such as imprecision identification results in the practical applications and decoupling for the multi parameters identification.The input signals of the algorithm are all can be detected directly,and it can identify the stator resistance,the d-axis inductance,the q-axis inductance and the permanent magnet flux in same time.And the defects can be avoided as slow convergence speed,easily fall into local minimum and high requirements in the initial parameter value.The simulation results show that the improved method is fast in convergence and high in precision no matter in different speeds,loads and control strategies.And the convergence accuracy is not dependent on the initial parameters setting.%针对内埋式永磁同步电机的反凸极特性及传统参数辨识方法存在辨识结果不准确、多参数辨识易耦合等缺陷,提出基于改进遗传算法的参数辨识方法。该方法输入信号均为可直接检测变量,可同时对定子电阻、d轴电感、q轴电感和永磁体磁链四个参数进行辨识。并可有效避免传统遗传算法收敛速度慢、易陷入局部最小及对初始参数依赖严重等问题。仿真结果表明,本文算法收敛快、精度高,在不同转速、负载下均可在较短时间内获得参数真实值。且收敛精度不依赖初始参数设置。



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