首页> 中文期刊> 《气象科技》 >基于GPRS网络LED屏气象信息发布系统




In order to satisfy the needs of the public meteorological services, taking full advantage of the GPRS network for its wide coverage, real-time online, high quality communication, and low maintenance costs, a LED screen meteorological information broadcast system based on the GPRS network is designed and established. The structure and functions of the system, the hardware configuration, and the display process of the remote-control card for the LED screen are described. Three management programs in the system server and the terminal user programs are introduced. The method for converting vector-font characters to lattice characters is elaborated. The application of this system in practice is also discussed.%为满足公共气象服务的需要,利用现有GPRS网络覆盖范围广、实时在线、通信质量高和维持费用低等优势,设计并实现一种基于GPRS网络的LED显示屏气象信息发布系统.介绍系统结构和各部分功能,以及系统中远端显示控制卡的硬件结构组成和信息显示过程.阐述系统服务器3个管理程序、终端用户程序和矢量文字信息转换为点阵文字信息的方法,以及系统的实际应用情况.



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