首页> 中文期刊> 《金属矿山》 >金鼎钨钼矿花岗闪长斑岩力学特性试验研究




采用岩石常规三轴试验手段测试花岗闪长斑岩的力学特性. 在此基础上,运用H-B经验强度准则对岩石力学参数进行估值,并用岩石单轴抗压强度试验、点荷载强度试验及摩尔应力圆作图法取得的结果对估值进行检验,以期获得高精度岩石力学参数. 研究结果表明:花岗闪长斑岩的变形模量E、泊松比μ值随侧压变化不大,可以采用不同侧压下E、泊松比μ值的均值来确定;单轴抗压强度σc 估值与实测值吻合较好,但单轴抗拉强度σt 估值与实测结果相差较大;在低侧压的条件下,内摩擦角φ估值与实测值、摩尔应力圆作图法确定的值吻合较好,但黏聚力c估值与摩尔应力圆作图法确定的值相差较大. 经综合分析,推荐了金鼎钨钼矿花岗闪长斑岩力学参数.%The mechanical properties of the granodioritic porphyry are tested by the conventional triaxial test. Based on this,the H-B empirical strength criterion is used to estimate the rock mechanical parameters,and the estimated values are veri-fied with the results from uniaxial compressive strength test,point load strength test and stress mohr circle method,in order to obtain high accuracy rock mechanical parameters. The research results show deformation modulus E and poisson''s ratioμof granodioritic porphyry change little with the pressure variation,and it can be determined from the mean value E ,μat different lateral pressure;Uniaxial compressive strength estimationσc are in good agreement with the tested values,but uniaxial tensile strength estimationσt has large deviation from the test results;At low pressure,the estimated internal friction anglesφare con-sist with the value from test and Mohr circle method,but cohesive force estimation c is different from the value by Mohr circle method. Through comprehensive analysis,the mechanical parameters of granodioritic porphyry are proposed in Jinding Tungsten Mine.



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