首页> 中文期刊>医学综述 >治疗心力衰竭从外周给药到中枢给药的新转变




目前心力衰竭(心衰)的治疗主要是通过患者长期口服各种药物,改善心衰症状,减少住院率及病死率.近年来,由于对心衰机制的研究方向产生了重大的突破与转变,许多学者认识到心衰的中枢调控机制在疾病的发生发展中具有重要作用,因此在治疗心衰时,将心血管中枢作为药物治疗的新靶点,不同药物直接作用于心血管中枢,其疗效优于经外周途径给药,出现了中枢给药这一新途径.%At present patients with heart failure ( HF ) take a variety of drugs orally for a long time to improve in the clinical symptoms, reduce hospitalization rate and mortality. In recent years, due to a major breakthrough and change in the direction of the heart failure mechanism research, many scholars recognize that the central regulatory mechanism of heart failure plays an important role in the development of the disease, particular emphasis is laid on the cardiovascular center as a new drug therapeutic target of HF. Different drugs exerting direct effects on the cardiovascular center were observed in the treatment of HF. The central administration of the medicine is more effective than peripheral administration, which is a new way for the treatment of HF.



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