首页> 中文期刊>医学综述 >川崎病治疗的研究进展




川崎病病因及发病机制尚不明确,易累及冠状动脉而造成冠状动脉损伤,甚至冠状动脉瘤,严重影响患儿预后.冠状动脉损伤是目前我国乃至全世界发达国家常见的后天性心脏病之一.近年来,川崎病及其所致的冠状动脉损伤的治疗已有相对统一的标准,目前糖皮质激素、乌司他丁、英夫利昔单抗等在临床得到有限使用,但对于丙种球蛋白无反应性川崎病及冠状动脉病变的治疗等仍存在不同观点.%The etiology and pathogenesis of Kawasaki disease remains unclear, which frequently involves coronary artery and results in coronary artery injuries and aneurysm, seriously affecting the prognosis of pediatric patients. Coronary artery injury is one of the most common acquired heart diseases in China and even in the developed countries around the world. In recent years, a uniform standard has been established for the treatment of Kawasaki disease and coronary artery injury secondary to Kawasaki disease. In addition,the use of glucocorticoids, urinary trypsin inhibitor and infliximab are restricted in clinical practice. However, some different views of the treatment of no-response to gamma globulin in Kawasaki disease and coronary artery disease still exists.



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